A cyst is a sac that forms in the skin or anywhere in the body.


A cyst is a sac that forms in the skin or anywhere in the body. They are filled with fluid, air,
or other material.
They cause:

  • blockages in ducts
  • swollen hair follicles
  • infection
  • Drainage
    Under local anesthesia, the Doctor will make a small incision through which a cyst can be drained.
  • Fine-needle aspiration
    In this procedure, the doctor will insert a thin needle into the cyst to drain the fluid.
  • Surgery
    During the process, local anesthesia is used to numb the area. After making a small cut, the Doctor will pull out the cyst.
  • Laparoscopy
    In this procedure, a surgeon uses a scalpel to make a few small incisions. They insert a thin a camera called a laparoscope into one of the incisions to help them view and remove the cyst.